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An ultrasound is a crucial diagnostic tool that allows healthcare providers to view the inside of your body, identify certain conditions, and more. 

During pregnancy, an ultrasound views the ovaries and uterus. It also monitors the pregnancy’s health and helps determine whether things are progressing normally.

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

An ultrasound sends low-power sound waves through a small, handheld device called a transducer. The transducer collects the sound waves that bounce off structures in your body, creating images on a screen.  

An abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound may be used during pregnancy. A transvaginal ultrasound is used during the earliest stages of pregnancy to produce the clearest image. The transducer is gently inserted into your vagina.

An abdominal ultrasound involves applying a gel to the abdomen and gently moving the transducer over that body part. 

Understanding how an ultrasound works is crucial, but learning how to protect your health with this scan is also essential.

I Have an Unexpected Pregnancy. Why Do I Need an Ultrasound?

Whether you’re considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, you need an ultrasound to verify critical pregnancy details and clarify what options are available.

An obstetric ultrasound provides the following information:

  • Viability: Is your pregnancy progressing, and is there a heartbeat? As many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. If an ultrasound detects a miscarriage, you may need monitoring or treatment to prevent complications. 

  • Gestational age: Knowing how far along you are is also vital. Your gestational age can determine the options available. For example, medical abortion is only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation. 

  • Location: A pregnancy should develop in the uterus. However, some women have ectopic pregnancies. This condition occurs when the fertilized egg implants in a location other than the uterus (such as a fallopian tube). If an ultrasound detects an ectopic pregnancy, you will need immediate treatment to safeguard your health.

A positive pregnancy test alone is not enough to verify you have a viable pregnancy. Her Hope Pregnancy Center currently provides limited obstetric ultrasound referrals with a positive pregnancy test at our center. 

We will be offering ultrasounds in the near future for your convenience. 

Don’t Hesitate to Get the Care You Need

Her Hope Pregnancy Center is here for you. We’ll help you understand the facts and make an educated pregnancy decision. 

Schedule an initial pregnancy testing appointment today to get started. All services are free and confidential.