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Abortion is the only option that ends a pregnancy. It comes with risks and side effects, which you should review carefully to make an informed decision.

Abortion in Georgia is illegal after the “detection of embryonic cardiac-cell activity,” often referred to as a heartbeat (typically around 5-6 weeks gestation). However, it is allowed during a medical emergency and in cases of rape or incest. The latter is permitted when the gestational age is 20 weeks or fewer, and a police report has been filed.

Her Hope Pregnancy Center’s team can discuss this option and answer your questions so you can make a confident decision.

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Understanding the different abortion methods is critical to making an informed choice.

There are two main types of abortion. Learn more about this option below.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion uses drugs to end the pregnancy. The FDA has recommended this procedure only through 10 weeks gestation.

Mifepristone is the first drug. It blocks progesterone, a hormone that aids the pregnancy’s growth and development. Without progesterone, the uterine lining thins, and the pregnancy detaches and ends.

Misoprostol is taken next. This drug causes uterine contractions that expel the pregnancy and related tissue from the body.

Taking abortion drugs causes abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding. Other side effects can include upset stomach, vomiting, fever, chills, diarrhea, and headache.

This abortion procedure poses certain health risks you should know. These risks include:

  • Digestive symptoms (i.e., upset stomach)
  • Fever
  • Infection
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion (this occurs when some pregnancy tissue remains in the body) which may need surgical treatment.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion uses drugs, surgical tools, and/or suctioning to end a pregnancy. The procedure type depends on a woman’s specific situation and how far along she is.

This abortion method often causes mild cramping and spotting or light bleeding in the days after the procedure. However, it also poses severe health risks you should know:

  • Perforation of the uterus (when a surgical tool pokes a hole in the uterus)
  • Damage to the cervix (i.e., tearing)
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall
  • Infection

In addition to learning the side effects and risks of abortion procedures, you should also consider the questions outlined below and seek further information about your pregnancy. Your health is the priority.

Questions to Consider

If you are considering an abortion, you’ll want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have I researched all my options?
  • Do I understand the potential risks involved with abortion?
  • Have I discussed my situation with someone I can trust?
  • Have I had an ultrasound to determine the pregnancy’s viability and how far along I am?

Verify Your Pregnancy

Before making a pregnancy decision, you must know if you are pregnant. Even if you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms or have taken a home test, you may want help verifying your pregnancy.

Her Hope Pregnancy Center provides medical-grade urine pregnancy testing and limited obstetric ultrasound referrals at no cost. An ultrasound is essential to confirm how far along your pregnancy is and whether it is viable (progressing with a heartbeat).

After verifying your pregnancy, you should review your medical history with your healthcare provider. Abortion may not be an option if you have certain conditions or are on specific medications.

It’s Your Choice

No one can force you to choose a specific pregnancy option. Our job is to empower you with the information you need to make a truly informed choice.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn more about your options. We’re here for you.

Her Hope Pregnancy Center does not refer for or provide abortions.